Hot Knife Tools Overview

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HoloCuren's Sister Company, TL MARSHALL Company, has released  revolutionary new versions of its popular Crafters Hot Knife.   Feel free to link to our Tools website at The PRO-1 Hot Knife is a 5.5" Stainless Steel rigid blade style hot knife with temperatures exceeding 800 degrees Fahrenheit.  Great for huge project that require speed or gross artistry. 

The Crafters “Rod Style” offer a continuous duty cycle without shutting down to cool.  High powered hot knives, such as the PRO-1 Hot Knife, cut for 5 minutes before requiring a rest cycle of at least 3 minutes.  The Rods are built for speed and accuracy, made with a tough 1/8” diameter Stainless Steel outer tubing that won’t easily bend and warp like comparable hot wire tools.  Other useful options include a versatile sled guide accessory and convenient ergonomic stay-on power switch. 

The new Crafters Rod Kit is available in 3 or 4 piece kits that include 6”and/or 9” hot knives, a 45 watt power supply with 9’ power cord and a versatile accessory that converts to a sled guide, rod stand or table adaptor. The 9” Rod is the longest cutting blade in the industry and addresses a critical need for longer cutting tools. The rods heat to a maximum cutting temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit in one minute and they are available in 110 or 220 volts for both USA and international markets. 


“This new tool kit is packed with every feature consumers have requested,” say Lorraine Marshall, President of Foam Cutting World and creator of the original Crafters and PRO-1 Hot Knives. “It offers affordability, continuous work cycle, strong and long length, stay on power switch, 110  and 220 voltage and a great new guide accessory allowing precision cutting, safety, and an all new feature which converts ordinary tables into a foam cutting table”  


The new kit is used primarily by do-it-yourself builders, electricians and model makers but the tools can easily be used for cutting fabric, theater props, packaging, candle making and a variety of other industries with materials that use heat to cut. The 6” rod kit starts at an introductory retail price of $79.95 and is available at and select retail outlets.


For Video, Flyer and more information about the Crafters Hot Knife, Rod Style Kit, visit